As a site manager for a large construction project, you may have thought about your site being targeted by thieves – and how to prevent it from happening. Job site theft is an ongoing problem. Having a mobile security system that you can set and forget would allow you to focus your attention on the project and your client. Fortunately, portable construction site security systems are out there, and they may just be the solution to your biggest security issues.

Large construction site with multiple areas and cranes.

Portable Construction Site Security Systems Have the Features You Need

Portable construction site security systems have the right features to deter thieves from your job site. In most cases, thieves target large construction sites because the risk of being caught is so low. Large construction sites are usually dark, isolated, and have minimal security after hours. By implementing a portable security system with the right features, you can mitigate these risks. A thief who encounters any sort of security system will, the majority of the time, abandon the target and seek a less secure site. The features to look for are:

  • Motion activated lights and sirens.
  • Surveillance cameras.
  • GPS tracking.
  • Immediate notification to the site manager and local authorities.

Portable Construction Site Security Systems are Designed for the Job Site

While there are many portable construction site security systems out there, they are not all created equal. When choosing a system for your project, it’s important to choose one that is designed for the job site. Your mobile security system should be:

  • Tamper proof
  • Solar powered with no need for a power source or phone line
  • Able to be controlled from your mobile device
  • Active 24/7/365

Portable Construction Site Security Systems Provide Peace of Mind

Historically, most construction sites are secured by fenced perimeters, night watchmen, and lighting to secure the site. But most construction site managers know that these old school techniques are not always effective, and construction site theft, even with these measures in place, can be an inevitability. In today’s world, going with a higher tech solution is the way to truly know you’ve done everything possible to keep your site from being targeted. Knowing that you have a portable construction site security system can provide you, as the site manager, with peace of mind. A “set it and forget it” system will allow you to focus on job responsibilities during work, and leave your site knowing it’s protected and secure when the work is done for the day.

Investing in a mobile security system is one of the smartest things you can do as a site manager. Seagate Mobile Security understands the unique needs large job sites have when it comes to security, and our tamper proof solar powered unit will make a big difference in keeping your equipment safe. Contact us today to learn more.